Choose wellness! People connect with me, Valerie Spironello, to engage in a holistic approach to their health and well-being in body, mind and spirit. With support and guidance through counselling, presentations, meditation and more, individuals and groups have the opportunity to improve their life experiences and relationships, both personally and professionally.

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Individual counselling

Are you interested in using a holistic approach to your health and well-being? I believe we are much better equipped to deal with the struggles and challenges we encounter when we feel whole and healthy in our body, mind and spirit. In our work together I will support you to discover your own innate wisdom.

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Organizational support

Presentations, keynote talks and workshops are sought out by organizations seeking to support their staff. Learning about compassion fatigue, wellness or wishing to explore the practice of mindfulness are some of the topics. 

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Mindfulness services

Learn how to incorporate mindfulness and mindfulness techniques in personal relationships and clinical practice through mentoring for practitioners and teachers. Mindfulness courses, workshops and retreats tailored to your groups needs are offered. 

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Val sitting, with dark shirt, orange framed glasses, in front of blue background

Valerie Spironello, MSW, RSW

Supporting others to live their most authentic lives

I have been a social worker for over 30 years. In 2010, while working in palliative care, I experienced compassion fatigue. I loved my job but forgot to look after myself and lost my sense of joy… and even worse… my sense of humour! As I learned about compassion fatigue, empathic strain and how to take care of myself, I slowly found my way back home and a way to be of service without sacrificing who I am. With my re-found sense of humour I'm committed to continuing to support others to live their best lives as well. My hope is to show up fully and with integrity in this one precious life and to support others to do the same. To quote Ram Dass “we are all just walking each other home…”

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Choose Wellness

Talks and presentations, organizational support, individual counselling, mindfulness and meditation, teaching, workshops and retreats

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